Wisconsin equine massage therapist and college sophomore Gabby Collins has been riding since she was 7. At age 20, she already has more than 13 years of horse experience, ranging from dressage, jumping, 4-H shows and clinics, to English and Western pleasure, training and problem horses.
Gabby was in 4-H for 10 years before graduating from high school, competing in countless shows, including the Midwest Fjord Horse Club Breed Show in Iowa, the Wisconsin State 4-H Horse Expo, county fairs, and the like, with multiple top tens, firsts, high points and grand/reserve champions to boot. She has competed on and ridden many types of horses, from Fjord, Paint and Quarter Horses to Arabs and Thoroughbreds. "I ride both English and Western, but my first love is all things English — mainly dressage," she says.
Gabby has four horses of her own on her family farm in Waupaca, WI. They include Jax, an AQHA gelding her family rescued and rehabbed in 2016, and Bullet, her Paint gelding who she says thrived on Un-Lock Advanced Muscle Formula.
As an avid equestrian, competitor, certified equine sports massage therapist, and horsewoman with over 13 years of experience, Gabby said she needed a product —and a company — she could count on. "Three years ago, my beloved gelding Bullet contracted red maple leaf poisoning and — while he did make a full recovery — his energy levels and stamina were greatly reduced as a result of his blood loss, even a year later. I wanted to bring back his energy and his old self."
In addition to gradual conditioning and light exercise, Gabby gave her gelding Un-Lock, "and I noticed a difference within the first month," she says. "The following year, I was finally able to start showing him again, and by the end of that show season, he ended up earning the title of Reserve Champion.
"Ever since then, I have been amazed with BRL Equine: Their products actually work. I have had Bullet for almost seven years now. We basically grew up together; we are a team. He gives his all each and every time I get in that saddle, so anything that makes him feel better is my ultimate goal."
Gabby is the first person in her family to attend college. She is majoring in animal science with an equine emphasis and a minor in journalism at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. She is also a certified equine sports massage therapist and started up her own business CC Diamond Equine Massage at age 19.
"Equine welfare and wellness are passions of mine, so when I found out about BRL Equine brand ambassadors, not only did I see it as a way to share one of my favorite products, but to raise awareness to my equine massage clients as well.
"I have always believed that education is key, especially when dealing with animals," Gabby says, "so I figure there is no better way to do that than to be a BRL Equine Brand Ambassador."
Top trainers, owners and competitors rely on BRL Equine products to help their horses perform at their very best. You can get the same great results! Our all-natural equine nutritional supplements really work... guaranteed or your money back!
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