Un-Lock Saves Mare's Career
Dusdee Shepperson is a WPRA barrel racer, equine therapist and barrel horse breeder in Riverton, WY. In May 2016, she ran her mare at an open rodeo and won it. "Then I went to another little open rodeo that night; she kind of ran hard but didn't turn great, still placed.
"The next morning was kind of cool," she continued, "and since I was entered in the Cody Pro Rodeo for the Fourth of July, I wanted to tune on my horses a little." Dusdee had observed that his mare was nervous and worked up before they even started, "and she cramped up the worst she ever has, full on sweating and pawing and in misery."
At that point, Dusdee said, the mare had had cramping issues for two years. "We had tried everything as far as veterinary diagnosis and treatments and natural remedies. Everything new would seem to work for about a month, before she would have another episode.
"This time, I was in tears. I decided she was done, I could not get it figured out and I was going to turn out of all the pro rodeos I had already entered."
Dusdee said that she Googled "how to get a horse to recover fast from cramping," and came across Un-Lock Advanced Muscle Supplement.
After giving her mare the supplement, "right away, she got better. If she had an episode, it was so slight that most people would not have realized what was happening. For the first time in two years, I was able to compete on her the whole summer. She ran great. We ended up winning several open rodeos and the Big Horn Rodeo Circuit in barrels for the season."
Dusdee added EQ-Royal to the regimen and put her mare and gelding on both supplements. "When we ran at Reno Xtreme barrel race in August, my gelding ran the most consistent, fastest runs she had run there, and ended up second in the second average."
Shepperdson became a believer in BRL Equine products. She gives her mare Un-Lock powder and EQ-Royal daily. She also gets Un-Lock paste on race day.
"Un-Lock gave my mare her career back, and I am incredibly grateful for it! Looking forward to what this year brings. Thank you guys so much!"
Top trainers, owners and competitors rely on BRL Equine products to help their horses perform at their very best. You can get the same great results! Our all-natural equine nutritional supplements really work... guaranteed or your money back!
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