Pulling a main allows you to get that perfectly natural short look so ideal for competing and braiding for shows. Unfortunately, this is no easy task to accomplish with scissors, which usually results in an unsightly “blunt-cut.” But don’t worry! Here are some steps for an easy pulled mane look without actually “pulling” the mane.
Step 1: Make sure your horse's mane is clean, dry and combed through. Do not apply conditioner or detangler before starting.
Step 2: Take a 2- to 3-inch section of mane; firmly hold the ends of the hair in one hand while back-combing along the section of hair with the other. This will pull shorter hairs up while leaving the longer ones firmly in place.
Step 3: Cut the longer hairs with a pair of sharp scissors and comb the back-combed hairs back down. This will give you a slightly shorter, pulled look. Continue along the mane, making sure to cut at the same length to create a natural yet uniform-looking mane.
Step 4: Gently cut in nearly vertical movements to help blend longer hairs.
STEP 5: Stand back and admire your work!
Remember, you can always go back through the steps to shorten the mane further, shorten longer sections and blend the mane to give it an even look. These steps will give you a mane with a naturally short look ideal for show rings and braiding — all without making your horse wince at the idea of a shorter mane!
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