EQ-Royal is a scientifically formulated, patent-pending nutritional horse performance and endurance supplement created with one goal in mind: to help performance horses train and perform at their best. When your horse is feeling good, he can focus on training and compete at peak levels.
EQ-Royal safely stimulates production of the hormone responsible for red blood cell production. The red blood cells carry oxygen to the muscles. More red blood cells means more oxygen to the muscles. EQ-Royal also has been shown to improve muscle strength and as well as your horse’s immune system.
The active ingredients in the patent-pending formula address the four major limitations on red blood cell production.
Red Blood Cell Production
Echinacea angustifolia is an herb that stimulates your horse’s immune system and your kidneys to produce more of a natural hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. Your horse will feel better and perform better with optimal blood levels.
Equine research has shown that not only does echinacea stimulate the immune system; it is also a blood-building agent. Healthy horses that received the herb had higher levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and white blood cells.
Red blood cells carry oxygen to muscle tissue, and the more oxygen there is, the harder a muscle can work. When you increase the number of red blood cells in your horse, you increase the amount of oxygen in the horse’s blood; this can dramatically improve your horse’s performance to optimal levels for competition.
A daily dose of EQ-Royal endurance horse supplement provides an extract of echinacea augustifolia in the amounts shown to significantly increase red blood cell production in horses. This research was published in a peer-reviewed veterinary journal.1
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Red Blood Cells
To help your horse produce more red blood cells, you have to feed it the right raw materials. That’s why our scientists developed a specific formula of vitamins and minerals that ensure an adequate supply of red blood cells and hemoglobin to provide oxygen to your horse's muscles.
Here’s how certain vitamins and minerals can bolster red blood cell production:
Vitamin B6 (pyrodixine): A red blood cell is useless without hemoglobin, because oxygen attaches to it. Research published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry2,3,4 discovered that vitamin B6 is essential to the formation of hemoglobin. In other words, if your horse does not get enough vitamin B6, his red blood cells can’t carry the oxygen your horse needs.
Vitamin B12 and folic acid: If your horse is deficient in either vitamin B12 or folic acid, new red blood cells are “born” misshapen and malfunctioning.5,6 This can actually reduce oxygen transport. Your horse needs supplemental doses of both B125,6 and folic acid to help his red blood cells become the hard-working oxygen carriers they are supposed to be.
Vitamin B-3: Here’s another vitamin that your horse needs in order to pump out new, healthy red blood cells. A daily dose of Vitamin B-3 7 helps your horse produce new red blood cells at a faster clip.
Boron: Boron might not get a lot of press, but it’s emerging as a mineral that can help your horse. Its beneficial effects stem from the fact that boron can naturally help your horse’s body make more red blood cells than it could without extra boron 8.
Inositol: Your horse may be making more red blood cells, but it doesn’t mean that they’ll last. In fact, the lifespan of red blood cells is about 90 days. Inositol 9,10 strengthens red blood cells, making them work longer for your horse.
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Iron Availability Complex
In reality, oxygen doesn’t bind directly to the red blood cell; it binds to the iron in hemoglobin in the red blood cell. Therefore, your horse needs several sources of dietary iron to make functioning red blood cells.
Iron: Proper iron intake ensures that red blood cells properly carry oxygen around the body. Numerous research studies have shown that iron deficiency impairs oxygen transport and athletic performance. In fact, iron11 isn’t an ingredient that’s merely optimal for enhancing endurance; it’s absolutely necessary
Dandelion12 and Yellow Dock 13: To get even more iron, it’s important for your horse to take these natural botanical extracts from two of the most iron-dense plants. These two herbs ensure that your horse’s body gets enough iron for to support new red blood cells.
Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, and Nickel: It’s one thing to take extra iron, but absorbing it from the gut is something else altogether. Believe it or not, your horse’s body absorbs only about 10% of the iron that it takes in. That is, unless you supplement with Vitamin C (14,15) Vitamin B316 and nickel17 – a trio of nutrients that help your horse’s body absorb more iron.
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Anti-Inflammatory Complex (Antioxidants)
After a particularly tough workout or competition, your horse’s body takes a big hit. His muscles are worn and torn, his energy reserves are depleted, and his joints are flaring up from stress and strain. Your horse’s body has only one way of dealing with all of this: inflammation.
Although inflammation is essential for recovery in small doses, unchecked inflammation makes recovering a real challenge. If you’ve ever had an experience where your horse’s training suffered and it took forever to bounce back, it’s likely that inflammation was the culprit.
Worse yet, unchecked inflammation makes your horse’s body more prone to oxidation – a harmful process shown to get in the way of new muscle growth and adaptation to training. Not only that, but inflammation and oxidation can be roadblocks to new red blood cell development, causing a vicious cycle that slows your horse’s training.
Luckily, there are a handful of nutrients that combat exercise-induced oxidation and inflammation, allowing your horse to move easier and increasing your horse’s red blood cell production.
Alpha Lipoid Acid: ALA 18,19 fights both inflammation and oxidation.
Lutein: Lutein20 is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Lutein can effectively fight oxidation and inflammation throughout your horse’s body.
Lycopene: Like Lutein, Lycopene21 has been intensely researched. Lycopene is found in tomatoes. It fights oxidation through a number of different pathways. This makes it a preferred antioxidant for performance horses.
Choline: Choline22 is an amazing antioxidant. Not only does it fight oxidative damage, but according to a study out of the University of Lisbon, it actually improves blood flow and nitric oxide production. In case you didn’t know, nitric oxide is one of the most important chemicals for improving muscle contraction and increasing blood flow to muscles.
PABA: Along with its trademark antioxidant properties, PABA23 is able to make blood vessels more fluid – helping blood (and oxygen) travel to your horse’s fatigued muscles.
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Study Citations
1 Equine Vet J. 2002 May;34(3):222-7. Immunological and haematinic consequences of feeding a standardised Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) extract to healthy horses. O’Neill W, McKee S, Clarke AF.
2 Agte VV, Paknikar KM, Chiplonkar SA (1997). Effect of nicotinic acid on zinc and iron metabolism. Biometals. 10(4):271-6.
3 Ink SL, Mehansho H, Henderson LM. (1982). The binding of pyridoxal to hemoglobin. J Biol Chem. 257(9):4753-7
4 Woods M, Lessin LS. (1978). Inhibition of erythrocyte sickling in vitro by pyridoxal. J Clin Invest. 62(4):888-91.
5 Moestrup SK (2006). New insights into carrier binding and epithelial uptake of the erythropoietic nutrients cobalamin and folate. Curr Opin Hematol. 13(3):119-23.
6 Koury MJ, Ponka P (2004). New insights into erythropoiesis: the roles of folate, vitamin B12, and iron. Annu Rev Nutr. 2 4:105-31.
7 Agte VV, Paknikar KM, Chiplonkar SA (1997). Effect of nicotinic acid on zinc and iron metabolism. Biometals. 10(4):271-6.
8 Kurtoğlu F, Kurtoğlu V, Celik I, Keçeci T, Nizamlioğlu M. (2005). Effects of dietary boron supplementation on some biochemical parameters, peripheral blood lymphocytes, splenic plasma cells and bone characteristics of broiler chicks given diets with adequate or inadequate cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) content. Br Poult Sci. 46(1):87-96
9 Strunecká A, el Desouki NI, Palecek J, Kmonícková E, Krpejsová L, Potter BV. (1991). The effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphorothioate on calcium release and membrane skeleton organization in the human red blood cell. Receptor. 1(3):141-54
10 Gersonde K, Nicolau C. (1979). Improvement of the red blood cell O2 release capacity by lipid vesicle-mediated incorporation of inositol hexaphosphate. Blut. 39(1):1-7
11 Koury MJ, Ponka P (2004). New insights into erythropoiesis: the roles of folate, vitamin B12, and iron.Annu Rev Nutr. 24:105-31.
12 Rozycki VR, Baigorria CM, Freyre MR, Bernard CM, Zannier MS, Charpentier M. (1997). Nutrient content in vegetable species from the Argentine Chaco. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 47(3):265-70.
13 Reddy NS, Bhatt G. (2001). Contents of minerals in green leafy vegetables cultivated in soil fortified with different chemical fertilizers. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 56(1):1-6
14 Atanassova B.D., Tzatchev KN (2008). Ascorbic acid–important for iron metabolism. Folia Med ( Plovdiv). Oct-Dec; 50(4):11-6.
15 Teucher B, Olivares M, Cori H (2004). Enhancers of iron absorption: ascorbic acid and other organic acids . Int J Vitam Nutr Res. Nov; 74(6):403-19.
16 Agte VV, Paknikar KM, Chiplonkar SA (1997). Effect of nicotinic acid on zinc and iron metabolism. Biometals. 10(4):271-6
17 Cempel M. (2004). Effect of nickel(II) chloride on iron content in rat organs after oral administration. Biol Trace Elem Res. 102(1-3):189-98.
18 Zembron-Lacny A, Szyszka K, Szygula Z. (2007). Effect of cysteine derivatives administration in healthy men exposed to intense resistance exercise by evaluation of pro-antioxidant ratio. J Physiol Sci. 57(6):343-8.
19 Marangon K, Devaraj S, Tirosh O, Packer L, Jialal I. (1999). Comparison of the effect of alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol supplementation on measures of oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 27(9-10):1114-21.
20 Iannone A, Rota C, Bergamini S, Tomasi A, Canfield LM. (1998). J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 12(5):299-304.
21 Klebanov GI, Kapitanov AB, Teselkin YuO, Babenkova IV, Zhambalova BA, Lyubitsky OB, Nesterova OA, Vasil’eva OV, Popov IN, Lewin G, Vladimirov YuA. (1998). The antioxidant properties of lycopene. Membr Cell Biol. 12(2):287-300.
22 Santos T, Mesquita R, Martins E Silva J, Saldanha C. (2003). Effects of choline on hemorheological properties and NO metabolism of human erythrocytes. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 29(1):41-51.
23 Gaby AR. (2006) Natural remedies for scleroderma. Altern Med Rev. 11(3):188-95
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