Un-Lock provides 44,600 milligrams of amino acids per serving, including the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) L-Arginine, L-Glutamine and L-Carnitine. BCCA’s have been shown to lower heart rates during training, provide energy, and buffer lactic acid in the blood. These amino acids also assist in muscle recovery from intense exercise and can help horses that are being transported to prevent muscle damage.*
Branched Chain Amino Acids
Isoleucine is one of the essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body. This amino acid is known for its ability to improve endurance and assist in the repair and rebuilding of muscle. Isoleucine is important to competition horses as it boosts energy and helps the horse's body recover from training.
Leucine is the fourth most concentrated amino acid in muscle. Leucine is not only essential, it is beneficial for horses. Leucine helps trigger muscle growth and maintain muscle tissue by sustaining nitrogen balance. Leucine also supplies energy to the body even when under the stress of training, and preserves muscle glycogen used for muscle contraction.
Valine specifically supports lean muscle-mass building and muscle repair. Valine helps prevent the breakdown of muscle by supplying the muscles with extra glucose for energy production during intense physical activity.
Other Amino Acids
Arginine is a potent nitric oxide enhancer that causes vasodilation of both smooth and skeletal muscles. It also works well to dilate the vessels of the skeletal muscles, thus providing more blood flow to them. Arginine works well in “cramping” type horses. The vasodilating properties are also very useful when treating “bleeders” because they reduces resistance blood flow through the lungs. Arginine is also often used in colic cases to help reduce spasms and ischemia due to insults of the vascular areas of the intestines.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the horse’s muscles and is involved in more metabolic processes than any other amino acid. Prolonged exercise lowers glutamine levels in the body; using glutamine before or after workouts helps restore glycogen levels, the energy reserve in the liver and muscle that fuels exercise. Glutamine also helps speed muscle recovery and prevents muscle soreness.
Carnitine improves athletic performance, reduces muscle fatigue and improves recovery after hard work. It delays muscle fatigue by reducing lactic acid formation, which allows your horse to maintain top speed longer.
Un-Lock also provides 6,350 milligrams total of all five electrolytes per serving. When endurance horses sweat, they lose significant amounts of electrolytes, and during long rides, calcium and magnesium. When these essential nutrients are lost, acute deficiencies may occur and result in such conditions as hiccups and cramps. Un-Lock is loaded with electrolytes to prevent this outcome.
The electrolytes sodium and chloride help maintain normal electrolyte balance in body tissues and aid in recovery. Potassium, magnesium and calcium are also included to balance and assist in maintaining cellular integrity and healthy nerve, muscle and cardiac function. Un-Lock provides essential support for elite equine athletes.
Essential Vitamins
Selenium, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C are essential muscle nutrients that have each been shown to reduce signs of cramping. Un-Lock provides effective amounts of each vitamin to prevent horses fromcramping.
Selenium: During exercise several chemical processes occur, allowing the horse’s muscle to utilize energy. However, those same processes produce oxidation-induced damage by free radicals. Selenium is a vital part of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that prevents free radicals from causing cellular damage. Deficiencies in selenium will directly relate to a decreased ability to rid the muscle of these detrimental substances and can cause cramps. Un-Lock helps ensure that your horse will not suffer from selenium deficiency or episodes of cramping.*
Vitamin E works in cooperation with selenium as a part of glutathione peroxidase. In addition, Vitamin E is thought to play a role in cellular defense of free radicals by preventing lipid perioxidation.
Vitamin C is important in helping to regenerate Vitamin E and other antioxidants to prevent free radical damage that can lead to cramping during intense exercise.
Un-Lock is currently used by trainers for its dramatic effects on endurance, performance and recovery time in their horses.
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