If you compete in any equine discipline, you want your horse to perform at his best level. That’s what it’s all about, right?
The key is in how well you prepare your horse to perform. You'll need a regular training schedule, combined with hard work. You also need to do everything possible to improve your horse's muscle performance. Equine nutritional supplements can help, but how do you know which are safest and healthiest for your horse?
EPO-Equine is a natural blood builder that’s safe for daily use. It can help boost your horse’s muscle energy — even in the toughest competitions.
Equine Blood Builders
One supplement to check out is an equine blood builder to help support muscle performance. Blood builders work by boosting red blood cell production, which enhances muscle performance.
In the 1980s, a drug called Epogen was developed to treat red blood cell diseases like anemia in humans. Epogen contained erythropoietin, a natural hormone produced in the kidneys that helps with red blood cell production. It was used to boost low red blood cell production. That drug soon found its way into the equine racing world. It was successfully used to boost red blood cells for better muscle performance, but was subsequently found to be dangerous and caused harm to the horse. It is also an illegal substance.
Why Human EPO is Dangerous for Horses
When horses were given human erythropoietin (rhEPO) in one study, some developed anemia, and some even died.
How Horse Blood Builders Work
Equine nutritional blood supplements work by boosting red blood cell production, which boosts oxygen levels, and that boosts muscle performance. That’s exactly what you want, especially in endurance activities such as racing and cross-country events. Horses run faster, finished faster and recover more quickly.
First, and foremost, you want one that’s safe for your horse; while producing positive results.
A Natural Equine Blood Builder
Biomedical Research Laboratories has developed an all-natural, safe alternative to human erythropoietin (rhEPO) called EPO-Equine. Ingredients include echinacea angustifolia, an herb that stimulates your horse’s immune system and your horse’s kidneys to make more EPO naturally. In the long run, this results in more red blood cells…and peak performance*. It also includes additional blood support which include vitamins C, B-3, B-6, and B-12 as well as folic acid and iron. Our equine blood builder contains no illegal substances, such as Epogen, EPO or any other banned ingredients on the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Drug/Medication Guidelines or the The International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) Prohibited Substances List.
EPO-Equine works naturally to:
- Boost your horse’s natural ability to produce more of the erythropoietin (EPO) hormone.
- Boost red blood cell levels to produce more oxygen. This can result in better muscle energy for longer periods.
EPO-Equine is safe for daily use. It can help boost your horse’s muscle energy for better performance, enhanced endurance, and stronger resilience — even in the toughest competitions.
But you don't have to take our word for it: Read what our customers have to say about the results they've experienced first-hand:
"I have been using the EPO-Equine feed supplement for a number of years now. This is a great natural feed supplement that helps keep red blood cell counts at healthy levels throughout the long arduous racing season. It is cost effective,very palatable and 100% safe. We won $200,000 @ the Maxie Lee Invitational in Philadelphia."
— Paul Kelley, Kelley Racing Stables
“We have had excellent results since using EPO-Equine and find when having regular blood test that our horses red blood cell counts are consistently high. We have used this product for over 2 years now and have no reason to change this winning combination.”*
— Rhyds Art, Winner, Breeder Crown UK and Ireland
Learn more about EPO-Equine and order today to start seeing results in just two to three weeks!
Top trainers, owners and competitors rely on BRL Equine products to help their horses perform at their very best. You can get the same great results! Our all-natural equine nutritional supplements really work... guaranteed or your money back!
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